コントローラーへの値の受け渡しは、従来のaxios経由とは異なり、非常にあっさりとしており、開発効率はとても良いです。また、認証の処理もjwt authなど使うこともなく、特に意識することもなく出来てしまいますので、淡白に開発ができます。
composer create-project laravel/laravel Laravelのプロジェクト名
Laravel Breezeのインストール
composer require laravel/breeze –dev
php artisan breeze:install react
‘locale’ => ‘ja’,
‘fallback_locale’ => ‘ja’,
‘faker_locale’ => ‘ja_JP’,
php artisan make:model Books -mcrf
protected $fillable = [‘title’,’content’,’category’];
return [
‘title’ => $this -> faker -> text(12),
‘content’ => $this -> faker -> text(20),
‘category’ => $this -> faker -> randomElement($categorys)

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public function index() { $user = User::find(auth()->id()); $books = Books::all(); return Inertia::render('Books/Index',['books'=>$books,'user_id'=>$user->id,'user_name'=>$user->name,'message' => session('message')]); } public function store(Request $request) { $request-> validate([ 'title' => 'required|max:20', 'content' => 'required|max:100', 'category' => 'required|max:10', ]); $book = new Books($request->input()); $book->save(); return redirect('books')->with([ 'message' => '登録しました', ]); } public function update(Request $request, $id) { $book = Books::find($id); $book->fill($request->input())->saveOrFail(); return redirect('books')->with([ 'message' => '更新しました', ]); } public function destroy($id) { $book = Books::find($id); $book->delete(); return redirect('books')->with([ 'message' => '削除しました', ]); } |
Route::get(‘/books’, [BooksController::class, ‘index’])->name(‘books.index’);
Route::post(‘/books/store’, [BooksController::class, ‘store’])->name(‘books.store’);
Route::put(‘/books/update/{id}’, [BooksController::class, ‘update’])->name(‘books.update’);
Route::delete(‘/books/destroy/{id}’, [BooksController::class, ‘destroy’])->name(‘books.destroy’);

Index.jsx メインファイルの作成
laravel9+Reactの他の情報を見ていますと、メイン関数への引数として、props を渡しているのを見かけますが、Laravel10では、デフォルトの引数がauthでした。引数として、propsではなくて、 auth と books を渡してあげます。export default function Dashboard({ auth,books }) の箇所です。
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import AuthenticatedLayout from '@/Layouts/AuthenticatedLayout'; import { Head } from '@inertiajs/react'; export default function Dashboard({ auth,books }) { return ( <AuthenticatedLayout user={auth.user} header={<h2 className="font-semibold text-xl text-gray-800 leading-tight">Books</h2>} > <Head title="Dashboard" /> <div className="py-12"> <div className="max-w-7xl mx-auto sm:px-6 lg:px-8"> <div> <table className="w-full bg-gray-100 mt-2"> <thead className="bg-blue-100"> <tr className='text-green-600'> <th className='px-2 py-2 border border-gray-400'>#</th> <th className='px-2 py-2 border border-gray-400'>タイトル</th> <th className='px-2 py-2 border border-gray-400'>内容</th> <th className='px-2 py-2 border border-gray-400'>カテゴリー</th> <th className='px-2 py-2 border border-gray-400'></th> <th className='px-2 py-2 border border-gray-400'></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody className='bg-white'> {books.map((book) => ( <tr key={book.id}> <td className='border border-gray-400 px-2 py-2 text-center'>{book.id}</td> <td className='border border-gray-400 px-2 py-2'>{book.title}</td> <td className='border border-gray-400 px-2 py-2'>{book.content}</td> <td className='border border-gray-400 px-2 py-2'>{book.category}</td> <td className='border border-gray-400 px-2 py-2'> </td> <td className='border border-gray-400 px-2 py-2'> </td> </tr> ))} </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </AuthenticatedLayout> ); } |
.\Profile\Partials\DeleteUserForm.jsx から import部分、DangerButton・Modal部分、return下のconstではじまる定義部分をコピーして,Index.jsxに貼り付けます。
「DELETE ACCOUNT」ボタンが設置されており、クリックするとモーダルウインドウが表示されます。
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import AuthenticatedLayout from '@/Layouts/AuthenticatedLayout'; import { Head } from '@inertiajs/react'; import { useRef, useState } from 'react'; import DangerButton from '@/Components/DangerButton'; import InputError from '@/Components/InputError'; import InputLabel from '@/Components/InputLabel'; import Modal from '@/Components/Modal'; import SecondaryButton from '@/Components/SecondaryButton'; import TextInput from '@/Components/TextInput'; import { useForm } from '@inertiajs/react'; |
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const [confirmingUserDeletion, setConfirmingUserDeletion] = useState(false); const passwordInput = useRef(); const { data, setData, delete: destroy, processing, reset, errors, } = useForm({ password: '', }); const confirmUserDeletion = () => { setConfirmingUserDeletion(true); }; const deleteUser = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); destroy(route('profile.destroy'), { preserveScroll: true, onSuccess: () => closeModal(), onError: () => passwordInput.current.focus(), onFinish: () => reset(), }); }; const closeModal = () => { setConfirmingUserDeletion(false); reset(); }; |
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<DangerButton onClick={confirmUserDeletion}>Delete Account</DangerButton> <Modal show={confirmingUserDeletion} onClose={closeModal}> <form onSubmit={deleteUser} className="p-6"> <h2 className="text-lg font-medium text-gray-900"> Are you sure you want to delete your account? </h2> <p className="mt-1 text-sm text-gray-600"> Once your account is deleted, all of its resources and data will be permanently deleted. Please enter your password to confirm you would like to permanently delete your account. </p> <div className="mt-6"> <InputLabel htmlFor="password" value="Password" className="sr-only" /> <TextInput id="password" type="password" name="password" ref={passwordInput} value={data.password} onChange={(e) => setData('password', e.target.value)} className="mt-1 block w-3/4" isFocused placeholder="Password" /> <InputError message={errors.password} className="mt-2" /> </div> <div className="mt-6 flex justify-end"> <SecondaryButton onClick={closeModal}>Cancel</SecondaryButton> <DangerButton className="ml-3" disabled={processing}> Delete Account </DangerButton> </div> </form> </Modal> |
<Input の箇所をtextareaにします。閉じタグであったところを、</textarea> とします。
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<textarea {...props} type={type} className={ 'border-gray-300 focus:border-indigo-500 focus:ring-indigo-500 rounded-md shadow-sm ' + className } ref={input} > </textarea> |
1 2 3 4 5 |
> {options.map((option) => ( <option value={option} key={option}>{option}</option> ))} </select> |
import Select from ‘@/Components/Select’;
const contentInput = useRef();
const categoryInput = useRef();
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<Modal show={confirmingBookInsert} onClose={closeModal}> <form onSubmit={insertBook} className="p-6"> <h2 className="text-lg font-medium text-gray-900"> Are you sure you want to insert new item? </h2> <p className="mt-1 text-sm text-gray-600"> </p> <div className="mt-6"> <InputLabel htmlFor="text" value="title" className="sr-only" /> <TextInput id="title" type="text" name="title" ref={titleInput} value={data.title} onChange={(e) => setData('title', e.target.value)} className="mt-1 block w-3/4" isFocused placeholder="title" /> <InputError message={errors.title} className="mt-2" /> </div> <div className="mt-6"> <InputLabel htmlFor="text" value="content" className="sr-only" /> <TextareaInput id="content" type="text" name="content" ref={contentInput} value={data.content} onChange={(e) => setData('content', e.target.value)} className="mt-1 block w-3/4" placeholder="content" > </TextareaInput> <InputError message={errors.content} className="mt-2" /> </div> <div className="mt-6"> <Select id="category" name="category" ref={categoryInput} value={data.category} required='required' onChange={(e) => setData('category', e.target.value)} className="mt-1 block w-3/4" options={['','React','Vue','Laravel']}></Select> <InputError message={errors.category} className='mt-2'></InputError> </div> <div className="mt-6 flex justify-end"> <SecondaryButton onClick={closeModal}>Cancel</SecondaryButton> <PrimaryButton className="ml-3" disabled={processing}> 登録 </PrimaryButton> </div> </form> </Modal> <Modal show={confirmingBookUpdate} onClose={closeModal}> <form onSubmit={updateBook} className="p-6"> <h2 className="text-lg font-medium text-gray-900"> Are you sure you want to update this item? </h2> <p className="mt-1 text-sm text-gray-600"> </p> <div className="mt-6"> <InputLabel htmlFor="text" value="title" className="sr-only" /> <TextInput id="title" type="text" name="title" ref={titleInput} value={data.title} onChange={(e) => setData('title', e.target.value)} className="mt-1 block w-3/4" isFocused placeholder="title" /> <InputError message={errors.title} className="mt-2" /> </div> <div className="mt-6"> <InputLabel htmlFor="text" value="content" className="sr-only" /> <TextareaInput id="content" type="text" name="content" ref={contentInput} value={data.content} onChange={(e) => setData('content', e.target.value)} className="mt-1 block w-3/4" placeholder="content" > </TextareaInput> <InputError message={errors.content} className="mt-2" /> </div> <div className="mt-6"> <Select id="category" name="category" ref={categoryInput} value={data.category} required='required' onChange={(e) => setData('category', e.target.value)} className="mt-1 block w-3/4" options={['','React','Vue','Laravel']}></Select> <InputError message={errors.category} className='mt-2'></InputError> </div> <div className="mt-6 flex justify-end"> <SecondaryButton onClick={closeModal_u}>Cancel</SecondaryButton> <PrimaryButton className="ml-3" disabled={processing}> 更新 </PrimaryButton> </div> </form> </Modal> |
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const { data, setData, delete: destroy, processing, reset, errors, } = useForm({ password: '', }); |
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const { data, setData, delete: destroy,post,put, processing, reset, errors, } = useForm({ password: '', title: '', content: '', category: '', }); |
reactの核心部分として、以下 がーっと編集します。
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const confirmBookInsert = () => { setData({title:'',content:'',category:''}); setConfirmingBookInsert(true); }; const insertBook = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); post(route('books.store'), { preserveScroll: true, onSuccess: () => closeModal(), onError: () => titleInput.current.focus(), onFinish: () => reset(), }); }; const confirmBookUpdate = (id,title,content,category) => { setData({id:id,title:title,content:content,category:category}); setConfirmingBookUpdate(true); }; const updateBook = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); put(route('books.update',data.id), { preserveScroll: true, onSuccess: () => closeModal_u(), onError: () => titleInput.current.focus(), onFinish: () => reset(), }); }; const closeModal = () => { setConfirmingBookInsert(false); reset(); }; const closeModal_u = () => { setConfirmingBookUpdate(false); reset(); }; const deletebook = (id) => { destroy(route('books.destroy',id), { preserveScroll: true, }); }; |



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import AuthenticatedLayout from '@/Layouts/AuthenticatedLayout'; import { Head } from '@inertiajs/react'; import { useRef, useState } from 'react'; import DangerButton from '@/Components/DangerButton'; import InputError from '@/Components/InputError'; import InputLabel from '@/Components/InputLabel'; import Modal from '@/Components/Modal'; import SecondaryButton from '@/Components/SecondaryButton'; import TextInput from '@/Components/TextInput'; import { useForm } from '@inertiajs/react'; import PrimaryButton from '@/Components/PrimaryButton'; import BlueButton from '@/Components/BlueButton'; import GreenButton from '@/Components/GreenButton'; import TextareaInput from '@/Components/TextareaInput'; import Select from '@/Components/Select'; export default function Dashboard({ auth,books,message }) { const [confirmingUserDeletion, setConfirmingUserDeletion] = useState(false); const [confirmingBookUpdate, setConfirmingBookUpdate] = useState(false); const passwordInput = useRef(); const titleInput = useRef(); const contentInput = useRef(); const categoryInput = useRef(); const { data, setData, delete: destroy,post,put, processing, reset, errors, } = useForm({ password: '',title:'',content:'',category:'' }); const confirmUserDeletion = () => { setConfirmingUserDeletion(true); }; const confirmBookUpdate = (id,title,content,category) => { setData({id:id,title:title,content:content,category:category}); setConfirmingBookUpdate(true); }; const deleteUser = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); post(route('books.store'), { preserveScroll: true, onSuccess: () => closeModal(), onError: () => passwordInput.current.focus(), onFinish: () => reset(), }); }; const updateBook = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); put(route('books.update',data.id), { preserveScroll: true, onSuccess: () => closeModal_u(), onError: () => passwordInput.current.focus(), onFinish: () => reset(), }); }; const deleteBook = (id) => { destroy(route('books.destroy',id), { preserveScroll: true, onFinish: () => reset(), }); }; const closeModal = () => { setConfirmingUserDeletion(false); reset(); }; const closeModal_u = () => { setConfirmingBookUpdate(false); reset(); }; return ( <AuthenticatedLayout user={auth.user} header={<h2 className="font-semibold text-xl text-gray-800 leading-tight">Books</h2>} > <Head title="Dashboard" /> <div className="py-12"> <div className="max-w-7xl mx-auto sm:px-6 lg:px-8"> <BlueButton onClick={confirmUserDeletion}>登録</BlueButton> <Modal show={confirmingUserDeletion} onClose={closeModal}> <form onSubmit={deleteUser} className="p-6"> <h2 className="text-lg font-medium text-gray-900"> Are you sure you want to insert new book? </h2> <p className="mt-1 text-sm text-gray-600"> </p> <div className="mt-6"> <TextInput id="title" type="text" name="title" ref={titleInput} value={data.title} onChange={(e) => setData('title', e.target.value)} className="mt-1 block w-3/4" isFocused placeholder="title" /> <InputError message={errors.title} className="mt-2" /> </div> <div className="mt-6"> <TextareaInput id="content" type="text" name="content" ref={contentInput} value={data.content} onChange={(e) => setData('content', e.target.value)} className="mt-1 block w-3/4" placeholder="content" > </TextareaInput> <InputError message={errors.content} className="mt-2" /> </div> <div className="mt-6"> <Select id="category" name="category" ref={categoryInput} value={data.category} onChange={(e) => setData('category', e.target.value)} className="mt-1 block w-3/4" placeholder="category" options={['','React','Vue','Laravel']} > </Select> <InputError message={errors.category} className="mt-2" /> </div> <div className="mt-6 flex justify-end"> <SecondaryButton onClick={closeModal}>Cancel</SecondaryButton> <BlueButton className="ml-3" disabled={processing}> 登録する </BlueButton> </div> </form> </Modal> <Modal show={confirmingBookUpdate} onClose={closeModal_u}> <form onSubmit={updateBook} className="p-6"> <h2 className="text-lg font-medium text-gray-900"> Are you sure you want to update this book? </h2> <p className="mt-1 text-sm text-gray-600"> </p> <div className="mt-6"> <TextInput id="title" type="text" name="title" ref={titleInput} value={data.title} onChange={(e) => setData('title', e.target.value)} className="mt-1 block w-3/4" isFocused placeholder="title" /> <InputError message={errors.title} className="mt-2" /> </div> <div className="mt-6"> <TextareaInput id="content" type="text" name="content" ref={contentInput} value={data.content} onChange={(e) => setData('content', e.target.value)} className="mt-1 block w-3/4" placeholder="content" > </TextareaInput> <InputError message={errors.content} className="mt-2" /> </div> <div className="mt-6"> <Select id="category" name="category" ref={categoryInput} value={data.category} onChange={(e) => setData('category', e.target.value)} className="mt-1 block w-3/4" placeholder="category" options={['','React','Vue','Laravel']} > </Select> <InputError message={errors.category} className="mt-2" /> </div> <div className="mt-6 flex justify-end"> <SecondaryButton onClick={closeModal_u}>Cancel</SecondaryButton> <BlueButton className="ml-3" disabled={processing}> 更新する </BlueButton> </div> </form> </Modal> {message && <div className="mt-2 text-blue-900 bg-green-100 p-3 rounded-lg text-center font-bold">{message}</div>} <div> <table className="w-full bg-gray-100 mt-2"> <thead className="bg-blue-100"> <tr className='text-green-600'> <th className='px-2 py-2 border border-gray-400'>#</th> <th className='px-2 py-2 border border-gray-400'>TItle</th> <th className='px-2 py-2 border border-gray-400'>Content</th> <th className='px-2 py-2 border border-gray-400'>Category</th> <th className='px-2 py-2 border border-gray-400'></th> <th className='px-2 py-2 border border-gray-400'></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody className='bg-white'> {books.map((book) => ( <tr key={book.id}> <td className='border border-gray-400 px-2 py-2 text-center'>{book.id}</td> <td className='border border-gray-400 px-2 py-2'>{book.title}</td> <td className='border border-gray-400 px-2 py-2'>{book.content}</td> <td className='border border-gray-400 px-2 py-2'>{book.category}</td> <td className='border border-gray-400 px-2 py-2 text-center'> <GreenButton onClick={() =>confirmBookUpdate(book.id,book.title,book.content,book.category)}> 編集 </GreenButton> </td> <td className='border border-gray-400 px-2 py-2 text-center'> <DangerButton onClick={() => deleteBook(book.id)}> 削除 </DangerButton> </td> </tr> ))} </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </AuthenticatedLayout> ); } |
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import { forwardRef, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; export default forwardRef(function TextInput({ options = null, className = '', isFocused = false, ...props }, ref) { const input = ref ? ref : useRef(); useEffect(() => { if (isFocused) { input.current.focus(); } }, []); return ( <select {...props} className={ 'border-gray-300 focus:border-indigo-500 focus:ring-indigo-500 rounded-md shadow-sm ' + className } ref={input} > {options.map((option) => ( <option value={option} key={option}>{option}</option> ))} </select> ); }); |